Did you known about pic n mix cards ? Pic n mix cards is a game of cards that Room One plays to get Better at times tables.
How to play
1. Take out the picture cards in the deck
2. Select your times tables ( 2x, 10x, 5x, 11x or 9x).
3. The dealer puts down the cards one by one.
4. The players have to call out the right number. If you are playing 5x and you see a 8 the answer is 40. If you see a 5 the answer is 25.
5. If you win you are given the card and the dealer puts down another card.
6. At the end you count how much cards you have. The person with the most wins the game,
I have got better at my times tables. I didn't like this game at the start because lola was better at me., like It as you challenge your self by doing more times table learning . The more times that you might not know You keep trying to get better at your times. i am getter better im proud of my self.